It made me think about the use of intermediaries in the electricity and natural gas procurement process. There are a lot of talented professionals providing advice and counsel to energy clients. There are some less talented shops. In either case, it still pays to be vigilant about managing your electricity and gas purchases and not to cede control to the broker, agent or consultant. I would argue that this is particularly true when it comes to brokers and agents who get paid by the supplier. They only get paid when you do a deal. They want you to continue to be their client, but they also need to get paid and the only way they do is by you doing a deal. It's that simple.
As Mark Suster says in his post
It is food for thought, and applies to many aspects of business.You have an interest in pursuing the absolute best outcome you can get. Often others have an interest in pursuing the best possible outcome they can get, without sinking in extra time, without risking ruffling feathers and without breaking conventions & norms.
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